Former MEP for Midlands North West
Former MEP for Midlands North West

Ukraine: What you can do to help

The European Union (EU) has put in place a Temporary Protection Directive to allow Ukrainian citizens and others fleeing Ukraine to move through the EU as EU citizens.

It allows them to reside in Ireland for at least one year. They will also have access to the labour market, accommodation, social welfare, education and medical care.

You can help.


Do you have a spare room or vacant property and would like to accommodate refugees?

Please visit the Red Cross Portal and add your name to the Register of Pledges.

The Red Cross has been inundated with requests so please be patient as each pledge takes time to process.


The public is being asked by aid organisations to donate money, rather than supplies due to difficulties storing and transporting items.

There are a number of charities running special appeals:


The Irish Red Cross
The Irish Red Cross is working both in Ireland and on the ground in Ukraine in  humanitarian aid. Your donations will go directly to the people most effected by the crisis. The Irish Red Cross is also working closely with the government in order to organise accommodation and necessary supplies for the incoming refugees to Ireland. You can donate here:


UNICEF Ireland:

UNICEF is working across eastern Europe to scale-up lifesaving programmes for displaced children. These programmes vary from supplying clean water, and readying health and education supplies. You can donate to UNICEF Ireland here:


Irish Emergency Alliance:

The Irish Emergency Alliance is responding to the crisis through local partners in Ukraine and the neighbouring countries of Poland, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia to help those who have fled the conflict by providing food, shelter, blankets, medical supplies and emotional support. You can donate here:



GOAL teams are working to provide food kits with essential items and clean water, hygiene kits with soap, sanitary products and baby products, and blankets and first aid kits to refugees. You can donate here:



Concern have deployed emergency response teams to support refugees fleeing Ukraine. Your donation will go towards meeting the immediate humanitarian needs of people affected by this crisis. You can donate here:


Irish Refugee Council:

The Irish Refugee Council is prioritising that Ukrainians can access protection in Ireland and across Europe. They have brought on Ukrainian and Russian speakers that can help inform incoming refugees on their rights and access to government help once they arrive in Ireland. You can donate here:


Oxfam Ireland:

Oxfam Ireland are a global organisation with the goal of fighting the injustice of poverty around the world. You can donate here:


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